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Mission Statement

To provide a forum for sharing ideas and experiences among Christian home schooling parents via support group meetings, and to provide opportunities for group experiences for home schooled children through field trips, academic presentations, awards ceremonies, banquets, parties, and other similar opportunities.



1. To come together as a group for mutual support, information and resource sharing centered around home schooling.

2. To keep the group informed of any pertinent home school current events such as seminars, conferences, and legal issues.

3. To provide an atmosphere for exchange of teaching techniques and curriculum information.

4. To maintain a pool of home school resources for members’ use.

5. To provide family socials, educational field trips, and group activities for our children.

6. To promote public awareness of home education.

7.  To represent the home school community in a manner that honors Jesus Christ.


Statement of Faith

1. The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

2. God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, was God, came in human flesh, being fully God and fully man, except without sin.

3. Christ’s death provides substitutionary atonement for our sins. He literally rose bodily from the dead.

4. Salvation is offered as a gift - free to the sinner. This gift must be responded to in individual faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone.

5. Jesus will literally come to earth again in the Second Advent.


By applying for membership, prospective members acknowledge that PRCCHEA will be led by individuals who ascribe to this Statement of Faith and that Christian prayers are offered at meetings in keeping with this Statement of Faith.  Only Leadership Team members are required to ascribe to the Statement of Faith and they are to do so in writing.


Statement on Qualifications of Information

Advice given in meetings or in publications is not legal advice.  Members should not consider advice as professional in nature nor should it take the place of professional counsel from a qualified professional, such as an attorney, physician, therapist, etc. Nor should any advice given during meetings or from publications, be deemed as guaranteed.


Statement on Education

We believe that parents have an absolute, inherent, and unalienable constitutional right and a God-ordained responsibility for providing the best education for their children.


Statement on Families

We believe that the family is created and ordained by God. We welcome those families who are headed by a single parent, grandparent or guardian. We do not recognize any union formed outside the confines of marriage as designed by God and established in Scripture.

Children are gifts from God and parents are accountable to Him for directing the needs of their children - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially and physically.

As a Christian home school association, PRCCHEA holds to the Biblically sanctioned view of marriage as a covenant relationship between one man and one woman. We believe that God’s original intent for marriage still stands today, and will, therefore, not accept applications from homosexual partners, homosexual civil unions, same sex marriage, and/or any other union of two people other than marriage as designed by God and established in scripture.



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© 2019 by Pearl River County Christian Home Educators Association

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